Recover From Lawyer Stress.
Education, Tools and Mentoring.
Everything Law School Didn't Teach.

Grow Your Family Law Practice With Val Hemminger

The Grow Your Family Law Practice blog provides education and resources for divorce lawyers who may be experiencing stress about growing their practice while leading a balanced, healthy personal life.

Jun 13, 2023

Family Law Advertising - Top Strategies that Worked for Our Law Firm

Man sitting at a desk working on a computer

With family law advertising, lawyers make the same costly and time-consuming 10 errors - avoid them and attract the best clients to grow your law practice.

Continue reading "Family Law Advertising - Top Strategies that Worked for Our Law Firm"

Apr 28, 2023

A Law Firm Client Relationship Management System That Works!

Val - B&W art

Are your clients miserable and taking over your life? Use this law firm client relationship management strategy to turn them into your raving fans.

Continue reading "A Law Firm Client Relationship Management System That Works!"

Apr 13, 2023

The Divorce Lawyer's Survival Guide

The Divorce Lawyers Survival Guide

Being a divorce lawyer isn't easy! How to create a thriving practice and still maintain your sanity?! This is why I created the Divorce Lawyer’s Survival Guide!

Continue reading "The Divorce Lawyer's Survival Guide"

Jan 30, 2023

Beat Lawyer Stress With These 9 Effective Methods

Divorce lawyer stress from overwhelm

Contrary to the statistics, you do not have to be at the mercy of lawyer stress. Find your way to peaceful prosperity for your life and your law practice.

Continue reading "Beat Lawyer Stress With These 9 Effective Methods"

Jan 18, 2023

Family Law Firm Practice Management: 5 Top Strategies For Success

These 5 top law firm practice management strategies are what makes the the difference between a successful family law practice and being a good divorce lawyer

Continue reading "Family Law Firm Practice Management: 5 Top Strategies For Success"

Jan 15, 2023

How do you reduce the number of surprises?

By Val Hemminger, Divorce LawyerYou systematize everything that is predictable

We all know it. It is the organized lawyers that are the wealthy lawyers. It is the lawyers that focus on efficiency that are successful. So how do you do it? First, you systematize everything that is predictable. This involves creating and using checklists, templates and protocols for everyday tasks, which will allow you (and hopefully your team) to handle routine matters quickly and efficiently. If you are like me, you find it tremendously dull to think about systems, checklists, precedents and templates. And yet, the very fact that I did this for my practice has created unimaginable freedom in my life. So, even though I am known as a Westshore lawyer, I can practice anywhere with an internet connection. When the routine is locked in and taken care of, you can focus on the exceptional:

● The exceptional aspects of your work
● The exceptional aspects of your personal life,
● The exceptional aspects of your relationships,
● And everything else that is exceptional.

Think about this:

● Where will your life be a year from now if you don’t systematize your world?
● And where would it be if you did?!
Are you ready to get boring so you can create your extraordinary life?!

Your next action could be a sliding doors moment!

I have many tools and resources that are going to support you along this path. You can get exploring and discover how ways that it is possible for you to get going by visiting my Be The Best Divorce Lawyer and explore how to make the shift you know you need to make!

Best. Val 😀

Jan 01, 2023

You’ve Got to do Boring for the Exceptional to Happen - Yet Another Missive from Val Hemminger, West Shore Lawyer

By Val Hemminger, Divorce LawyerYou've got to do the boring for the exceptional to happen.

I am Val Hemminger, a Victoria lawyer. Actually, I am a Westshore lawyer, which is located about 15 kilometres from the downtown core of the City of Victoria.

In the past couple of years, I have created a law practice that gives me lots of freedom.

Transparently! Not so long ago, the concept of practicing law and having freedom was a concept that was beyond my wildest dreams. I achieved it because I created the ability to work remotely in my successful law practice. Believe me; I had to do some very tedious foundational work to get here but sitting here now, it was well worth it. It takes a lot to be an organized lawyer. Some lawyers do not realize that law firms are businesses and that you must systematize everything you can to have a successful law practice.

Over the years, I went from having a disorganized law practice to someone who has been such an organized lawyer that I became a law practice consultant.

Do you have a disorganized law practice like I used to?

As lawyers, while some things in our work are simply impossible to foresee because we have curve balls thrown at us a LOT, much of what happens in our law practices happens over and over and over again.

Your key to your successful law practice (aka not looking stupid, not going broke, not falling flat on your face, and not having huge struggles and stress) is to reduce the number of surprises and unpredictability in your law practice.

Your next action could be a sliding doors moment!

I have many tools and resources that are going to support you along this path. You can get exploring and discover how ways that it is possible for you to get going by visiting my Be The Best Divorce Lawyer and explore how to make the shift you know you need to make!

Best. Val 😀

Dec 29, 2022

Starting A Family Law Practice Efficiently, Using the Best Strategies

Run Practice like business; Squoosh 700p

When starting a family law practice, it is so very easy to make the same old mistakes most lawyers make. That is, focusing on the wrong things to get started.

Continue reading "Starting A Family Law Practice Efficiently, Using the Best Strategies"

Dec 20, 2022

Are you different?

By Val Hemminger, Divorce Lawyer Different in the way that makes you unique but still authentic to you!

What makes you different from other divorce lawyers?

What makes you stand out?

Being different is going to attract clients to you.

And when I say different, I mean different in the way that makes you unique but still authentic to you!

What is authentically you that is 𝘿𝙄𝙁𝙁𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙉𝙏?

Your next action could be a sliding doors moment!

I have many tools and resources that are going to support you along this path. You can get exploring and discover how ways that it is possible for you to get going by visiting my Be The Best Divorce Lawyer and explore how to make the shift you know you need to make!

Best. Val 😀

Dec 20, 2022

How do you reduce the number of surprises?

By Val Hemminger, Divorce LawyerYou've got to do the boring for the exceptional to happen.

We all know it. It is the organized lawyers that are the wealthy lawyers. It is the lawyers that focus on efficiency that are successful.

So how do you do it? First, you systematize everything that is predictable. This involves creating and using checklists, templates and protocols for everyday tasks, which will allow you (and hopefully your team) to handle routine matters quickly and efficiently.

If you are like me, you find it tremendously dull to think about systems, checklists, precedents and templates. And yet, the very fact that I did this for my practice has created unimaginable freedom in my life. So, even though I am known as a Westshore lawyer, I can practice anywhere with an internet connection.

When the routine is locked in and taken care of, you can focus on the exceptional:

● The exceptional aspects of your work● The exceptional aspects of your personal life,● The exceptional aspects of your relationships,and everything else that is exceptional.

Think about this:

● Where will your life be a year from now if you don’t systematize your world? ●And where would it be if you did?!

Are you ready to get boring so you can create your extraordinary life?!

Dec 13, 2022

Your Very Smart Colleagues do NOT Get This!

By Val Hemminger, Divorce LawyerWhat is the one step you can take right now to make sure this isn’t you?

It blows my mind how freaking dumb most of our colleagues are.

You know who I mean. The lawyers who work long hours with no end in sight.

One lawyer I know said he worked 60 hours plus weeks for years. His only pride was that he managed to rush home every night just in time to tuck his kids into bed and read them a bedtime story. Most often he fell asleep himself mid-sentence, waking up hours later, a kink in his neck, stumbling down the hall to his own bed. He joined his equally exhausted sleeping wife, also a lawyer.

You see them at the courthouse all the time.

They are exhausted, stressed out to the max, and repeating yesterday over and over and over again.

The question we must ask ourselves is . . . Why?!

They keep thinking that if they work a little harder, work longer hours, and put in some extra weekend time, that they will finally get everything they need to get done. They will then be able to spend time with their own families. They will finally be able to enjoy themselves. They will finally have the chance to . . . (fill in long-time dream, not yet attained).

What is the one step you can take right now to make sure this isn’t you?

If this is you (and I see you, because it certainly used to be me), what is that one step you can take TODAY to make a change?

Your next action could be a sliding doors moment!

I have many tools and resources that are going to support you along this path. You can get exploring and discover how ways that it is possible for you to get going by visiting my Be The Best Divorce Lawyer and explore how to make the shift you know you need to make!

Best. Val 😀

Dec 06, 2022

What does it mean to you to be a great lawyer?

By Val Hemminger, Divorce LawyerConnecting and honouring your clients and their changing families

If being a great lawyer is…

✨ connecting and honouring your clients and their changing families
✨ billing your clients fairly and transparently
✨ getting great results for your clients
✨ keeping families and their children out of the combat zone whenever possible.

Then I am glad you are great at what you do!

Your next action could be a sliding doors moment!

I have many tools and resources that are going to support you along this path. You can get exploring and discover how ways that it is possible for you to get going by visiting my Be The Best Divorce Lawyer and explore how to make the shift you know you need to make!

Best. Val 😀

Nov 29, 2022

Are you making the same marketing mistake that almost every other lawyer makes?

By Val Hemminger, Divorce LawyerThe kind of marketing and branding where lawyers do the same as everyone else is doing is a colossal waste of resources.

Most lawyers 𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐆𝐄𝐓 that different is better than being better. Instead, most lawyers do exactly what I did when I first opened up my own practice.

🤦‍♀️ I did the same type of marketing as everyone else. 🤦‍♀️

I had marble signs, and columns in my yellow-pages ad (oh yeah, back then everyone advertised in the yellow pages too. You essentially had to out pay the next guy in order to get a good position amongst the hundreds of lawyer ads).

I joined the other lawyers who looked exactly the same as each other. Think scales of justice, stuffy-looking law libraries, pillars of parliament, business suits, and city skylines. In their advertising, most lawyers effectively drown themselves among images and messages that look the same as what everyone else is doing. They spend money on looking like a goldfish in a sea of thousands of goldfish. You get the idea.

The kind of marketing and branding where lawyers do the same as everyone else is doing is . .


Don’t waste your resources, whether that be your time, your effort, your money or all three.

Don’t waste resources by BEING the same as everyone else.

BE different.

What makes you different and how can you put that into your marketing efforts?

Your next action could be a sliding doors moment!

I have many tools and resources that are going to support you along this path. You can get exploring and discover how ways that it is possible for you to get going by visiting my Be The Best Divorce Lawyer and explore how to make the shift you know you need to make!

Best. Val 😀

Nov 22, 2022

Being Weird!

By Val Hemminger, Divorce LawyerWhen you show what makes you weird, unique, yourself, your clients and others connect with you more because they see you as a real person

“𝑩𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇. 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒏.” - 𝗢𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗿 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗲

For the love of PETE, don’t tamp down your weirdness!

When you show what makes you weird, unique, yourself, your clients and others connect with you more because they see you as a real person.

So, before you start conforming too much, to fit in, be like other lawyers, remember that being the you, that one you, is a great thing.

This is why you want to be your weird self:

Because although there are ideas about what is “normal,” being normal does not really exist. We are all weird in some way.Being your weird self makes you more memorable to your clients and colleagues.Hiding our true selves is not only a lot of work, but makes us less happy. There is nothing more compelling than when someone is being genuine. Your clients, other lawyers, judges, and your friends know when you are being genuine, both on a conscious and subconscious level.

Be you.

Your next action could be a sliding doors moment!

I have many tools and resources that are going to support you along this path. You can get exploring and discover how ways that it is possible for you to get going by visiting my Be The Best Divorce Lawyer and explore how to make the shift you know you need to make!

Best. Val 😀

Nov 15, 2022

Create the Life of Your Dreams by Using a Manifestation Method that works!

By Val Hemminger, Divorce LawyerNot only have the things I wanted to create in my life started happening, they are happening at a greater and greater speed!

I started getting serious about manifesting my dreams in late 2018. I am blown away by how much has materialized. 😮 It is so exciting! 🤗✨

I use an uber-simple 3-step process:

1️⃣ Write down all the things I want to manifest.

2️⃣ Download a timer app that repeats for 30-second intervals, with a sound notification telling you that 30 seconds have elapsed and then this repeats 40 times.

3️⃣ I then use a timer app and focus on one thing on my list for 30 seconds. I feel how it feels to have manifested that great thing. I enjoy it as if it has already happened. I do that process for 20 minutes (40 manifestations) three to five days per week).

This process has also raised my frequency!

Not only have the things I wanted to create in my life started happening, they are happening at a greater and greater speed!

I have manifested the following things that were, at one time, pure pipe dreams!

◼ I found a fun way to do strength training at home
◼ I have balanced financial circumstances allowing me to be in expanded services
◼ I got refinance which cleared up all my old money mistakes and this has been life-changing!
◼ I have the freedom to travel - I have taken 2 great road trips to East Kootenays, a strip to Miami, a trip to Austin, and going to Chicago VERY SOON
◼ I get to walk in the woods almost every day.
◼ I have created a community of like-minded forward-thinking lawyers where I could guide them to success for the betterment of families everywhere (the Be the Best Divorce Lawyer Academy)

What have you manifested in your life that seemed like a pipe dream at one point?

What else do you want to create?

Your next action could be a sliding doors moment!

I have many tools and resources that are going to support you along this path. You can get exploring and discover how ways that it is possible for you to get going by visiting my Be The Best Divorce Lawyer and explore how to make the shift you know you need to make!

Best. Val 😀