Recover From Lawyer Stress.
Education, Tools and Mentoring.
Everything Law School Didn't Teach.

About Val Hemminger

My personal journey outlines the highs and lows of developing a balanced life as an ethical, (almost) stress-free lawyer. You may relate to some or all of it . And if you have ever wondered why lawyers are so unhappy and what can be done about it, I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter to learn detailed ways to shift gears. My wish is to save you the years of stress and hardship that I endured...

From struggling, burnt out divorce lawyer to loving law and prospering

For my first 20 years of practicing as a family divorce lawyer in Westshore, British Columbia, I had happy clients and got good results. Yet, I was mostly overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious. I had no time for myself or my family. As well, due to a bad real estate decision in 2009, I had financial problems that weighed me down, leaving me owing money I didn't have.

I also had zero idea that I had undiagnosed ADHD and that this was significant to my experience of what is well recognized as lawyer stress!

After years of struggling, I slowly began to realize that there was another way to live. I wanted to live as an (almost) stress-free lawyer.  I read tons of business books, I studied with great business coaches and I learned about running a profitable business.

Now, with Pathway Legal, my law firm, based in Westshore and serving the entire of British Columbia, I have successfully built my own law practice and work significantly less hours, almost always virtually with a brilliant team. I even have weekends free!  Here's how it evolved...

What I needed but didn't get at law school

Now available for Download. Just $10

Divorce Lawyers Survival Guide $10

Law school teaches us sweet "f-all" about how to run a business or law practice. When I opened my own law practice more than two decades ago, I had no idea how to run a business effectively. I also had no idea what I was getting into. Whoa, it has been a freaking hard ride at times! 😳

Like many lawyers, I thought if I worked hard, everything would all turn out. I knew I was smart enough, and I knew I would do my best.

Before becoming a lawyer, being smart and working hard was a great strategy that worked. It got me into law school, and it had me pass my bar exams. You know what I am talking about.

However, surprise surprise, being smart and working hard, does not, work for running a profitable law practice! 

When I first opened my firm, I did not know how to attract clients. I had no idea how to manage my client files successfully. I had no clue about systems and procedures. My profits were terrible and at times, non-existent.

Things got even worse when in 2009 I purchased a piece of property for my law firm. I could not afford it. Then the financial struggles really began. For years, my life totally sucked. I mean really sucked beyond measure.

I worked 10+ hour days but I was still broke. I was miserable, insolvent and was desperately unhappy. I had health problems, problems with the Law Society, and a shattered home life.

I just did not understand why so much of my life was not working.

For things to change, I had to change

Val Hemminger sitting on the end of a pier by a lake with her dog, Inu.

Because I am someone who takes  responsibility, I read a ton of business books, took marketing training, hired a business coach, and learned about running a profitable business. I dove deep into personal development, and commenced a dedicated spiritual practice.

However, despite my spiritual practice and disciplines, I was also anxious and overwhelmed a lot of the time. As a result, I also self-medicated.

A lawyer I know reported me to my Law Society saying that I was “taking illegal drugs” and drinking tequila all day long at work. To suggest I was high or impaired while working is complete nonsense of course. I must be present and at my absolute BEST for my clients when doing client work. 

Because of the completely unfounded and frankly despicable allegation that I was taking illegal drugs and drinking at work, someone recommended I see an ADHD specialist so I could get assessed. I thought it would help my case, so I did. What I did not realize is that I would receive a significant diagnosis, a diagnosis that changed my life.

In late 2020 the ADHD specialist I saw said I had ADHD and it was “off the charts.” He has prescribed specific medication and I remain grateful for its positive impact on my life everyday.

Re-discovering myself as a human being and a passionate family lawyer

The ADHD specialist also said I was an anomaly because I had great coping skills. So a lot of my life was actually working well. For example, things like all that business stuff, my spiritual practice, and the personal development stuff I was learning were really paying off.

Even with my undiagnosed and untreated ADHD, I successfully created a multiple 6- Figure Law Practice.

I do it ethically and without gouging my clients. Being a great family law lawyer is about more than knowing the law and being a great advocate (although that is important too). It is about making your entire practice runs smoothly.

It is about having structures and systems that enable lawyers us to have satisfied and happy clients, every time. 

And another thing, I do not fit the “usual” stereotype of being a lawyer. Think of the show called “Suits” and that is definitely not me. I know I don’t fit the model of what people think a lawyer should act like or look like (thank Gawd for that!). Maybe you are like that too. 

Some people say I am weird. For example, I don't wear suits unless I have to for court and I wear running shoes most days. I am gregarious and one of my highest values is to have fun. Another of my highest values is "family" -- and when I say "family" I mean not only our biological family, but our blended, adopted, chosen family including our four-legged friends.

Divorce lawyer wellbeing IS possible

If the test for being a great divorce lawyer is that you appear calm all the time, are well put together with the best suits, and you stay distant and objective about your clients’ issues, then I am definitely NOT a great divorce lawyer. 

If the test to being a great divorce lawyer is that I get great results for my clients, avoid court whenever possible, do not gouge my clients for fees, am transparent about my billings, and that my clients rave about my work and recommend me to friends and family, then I AM a very successful divorce lawyer.

What kind of lawyer are you? What kind of lawyer do you want to be?

Maybe you are like me, considered a bit weird, and still want to do great work.

That is why I am dedicated to showing you what I have learned, so you don’t have to spend all that time struggling. You can learn from my mistakes and what I have spent years creating. I have done it not only for the benefit of the next generation of family law lawyers (I call them baby lawyers, and they are soooo cool these days) but also for the benefit of the families we serve.

Join me in our journey. Get to know me, get to know my work to transform the business and personal success experience of lawyers like you and me. I recommend you start by subscribing to my newsletter.

Much love,


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